Thursday, January 19, 2012

Invention- The Continuous Shotgun

The Continuous Shotgun
             During the 17th century, in around 1674, Dai Zi, a Chinese firearm expert, made a continuous shotgun that was considered to be the first type of machine gun in the world, which should have been very helpful to the army of the Qing Dynasty.  The continuous shotgun could have helped the Qing army greatly, since it made filling the gun up with bullets so much easier and improved the speed at which someone can fire bullets greatly.  If the army of the Qing Empire had used this gun, considered to be the first “machine gun”, it would have helped them a lot, because it simplified the whole process of reloading and shooting.  However, Dai Zi was framed by a disloyal court official and the emperor banned him from Shengjing.  The Qing army was not equipped by this continuous shotgun, which left China major regret.  The continuous shotgun was one of the greatest inventions during that time, but the Qing’s army did not use it to their advantage.  It could have made battles so much easier for them, but the army went against the idea.

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