Thursday, January 19, 2012


       The Revolt of the Three Feudatories was a revolt that provinces in southern China set out against the Qing empire. Kangxi was the emperor of China at the time, and he noticed that the Three Feudatories were becoming a threat to his power, so he started to do something about it. Emperor Kangxi started to slowly take away the southern provinces' power, my limiting their freedom to do certain things, and the provinces would not accept that. The Three Feudatories revolted against Kangxi and the rest of the Qing empire. This revolt is so pointless, it is just going to be a waste of time and lives.
       Like any other civil war in history, many of lives are going to be lost because of this revolt. If the Three Feudatories did not even revolt in the first place, no lives would be lost and although there would still be some chaos in China, it would not be nearly as bad as it is now. The southern provinces better realize that their decision to revolt against the rest of China is wrong and the right thing to do would be either to surrender or just try to prevent a war in any way. This revolt is also, just like any other war in history, going to come with costs. When has there not  been a war that ended up costing money? That is right...none. If the Three Feudatories do not pull back from their revolt, China is going to have to pay for the costs, which could have gone towards lower class people, or even college pay for students. The Three Feudatories can't have much intelligence, because if they did, they would know not to start a war with the Qing empire. The people should do as the emperor says, not go against it. The Qing's army is larger and stronger than the Three Feudatories' army so, unless a miracle occurs, the Qing are going to remain on top. The provinces are going to get destroyed by the Qing empire It is a shame to see what humanity has come to.
        This civil war can also have its ups and downs though. Once the war is over, China shall be united as one nation, and not [basically] separated as two different nations. Most likely, that is what is going to happen to China, and either the Qing dynasty is going to end or there is not going to be such thing as the Three Feudatories anymore. Also, work is going to increase for those who work on building military equipment, such as guns. People who work on creating military equipment will not lose their job and they will get paid for doing their job. Although this war can lead to good things in the future, it is not worth killing thousands and thousands of people in order to do it. This war can have its ups and downs, but most likely the result is going to be on the "down" side.
       The revolt of the Three Feudatories is, like I said before, a very stupid idea and it is not worth it.  Next time, everybody needs to take people's lives, the expenses, the economy, etc., into consideration when beginning a civil war.  There is absolutely no point of this rebellion, but it is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. You have great information in here. I suggest you read it over again and take out any contractions/informal writing you might see. I might have missed it, but did you have a rebuttal portion in your piece?
